Monday, September 26, 2005

Weekend? What Weekend?

I repeat, ~BLEH~....

'Twas not too great a weekend...

  • Woke up. Got ready.
  • Picked up the girls...(Cindy, Nina and Hani,... ie. Long Lost Friend No. 1, Long Lost Friend No. 2 and Long Lost Friend No. 3)
  • Proceeded to karaoke joint - Red Box @ Sogo.....
  • Was later joined by Jing and TJ (Lost Lost Friend No. 4 and Long Lost Friend No. 5)....
  • Much singing ensued
  • Had some Hong Kong style cheese baked rice for lunch at Red Box (oh.. and about what I said about Red Box's food earlier, I take it back... not all of the food at Red Box is horrible... there seem to be ~some~ exceptions to the norm)
  • Slept
  • Missed Kwong Heng+Pattar's big drunken birthday bash
  • Slept


  • Slept
  • Went out with parents
  • Slept

As you can see I had a pretty exciting weekend. *haha* The karaoke session was the high point of the weekend I guess... It was nice to see everyone again..... (Where do you all want to go next week?)

However, it was all downhill from there....


Still seem to be battling some bug that I caught when I first went to Seremban, so I spent a lot of time in bed feeling miserable...


To Kwong Heng and Pattar:

Sorry! I didn't mean to miss the birthday celebration on Saturday... Was feeling really rotten...

To everyone else (JJ and Julian especially):

Apologies! Didn't get to catch up properly... Haven't seen you all for ages... Will make up for it soon (hopefully)....


Have to get back to work now....

*rolls up sleeves and jumps back into the pile of paperwork*

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1 comment:


    Penny For Your Thoughts

    Wah liao slept so much wan? Shit, given my current state here at work i think i should've done the same...
    Pat | Homepage | 09.26.05 - 5:21 pm | #


    Well, the party on Sat was partly in your honour so I think it would have been very very bad if you had slept and missed out on it, don't you think?

    J | Homepage | 09.26.05 - 5:56 pm | #


    No worries....I will still make my regular trips down to KL whenever fun beckons or just to catch up. U will not see the last of me..muahahahah We will catch up the next time Im down?
    jules | 09.26.05 - 8:34 pm | #



    When are you coming down again anyway?
    J | Homepage | 09.26.05 - 9:26 pm | #


    Prob Some time in Oct but will keep u posted.
    jules | 09.27.05 - 12:06 am | #


    er, same place next week?

    we need to go clubbing!!!
    sin | 09.27.05 - 9:44 am | #


    Jules: Okies... Will catch up with you properly then I suppose...

    Sin: Hahaha... Wah lau... Someone's become quite addicted I see.... Where do you want to go?
    J | Homepage | 09.27.05 - 1:57 pm | #


    sin: No you don't!!!
    Pat | Homepage | 09.27.05 - 4:13 pm | #


    J: Er, where do u recommend?

    Pat: Sounds like someone wants to join us!
    sin | 09.27.05 - 6:55 pm | #


    sin: I choose death!
    Pat | Homepage | 09.28.05 - 7:33 pm | #


    Sin: Haha... Have fun trying to convert him... Well,.. I suppose if you tempt him with a bottle of (free) alcohol....
    J | Homepage | 09.29.05 - 10:21 am | #


Appreciate your thoughts, opinions and feedback. :)

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