Hmmm... yet another upcoming event has caught my eye....
Venue ~ KLPac - Pentas 1, Jalan Strachan, off Jalan Ipoh, Sentul West, 51100, Kuala Lumpur
Date ~Fri 14 till Sun 30 Oct 2005
Time ~ Tue-Sat: 8.30pm; Sun: 3pm; Mon: NO shows
Tickets ~ RM 120/ RM 80/ RM 60
(50% discount for senior citizens, the disabled and students - not applicable on promotional nights)
(J: Oh,..... and 10% discount for Maxis users)
Synopsis ~
In Ovid's tenth book of his poem Metamorpheses, the lead character Pygmalion was a sculptor who falls in love with a statue he created. Using this basis, George Bernard Show created his play Pygmalion, in which a common flower seller (Eliza) is transformed to pass herself off as upper class, simply by being taught how to speak proper English by Professor Henry Higgins. In the process, he becomes fond of her and falls for the new woman he has 'created'.
Now, the classic tale about language, class, manners and love has been given a Malaysian pinch, twist and squeeze. The tale is set in present-day Malaysia, although certain aspects like the words, lyrics, culture, set and wardrobe remain somewhat British, Edwardian almost. Expect lots of Manglish, malapropisms and hilarious turns of phrase and eleven original songs like 'Don't Talk Like That One' and 'Ai ah adoi, ai oh'!
Join the 14-strong cast and orchestra of 7, in this all-original musical show. Starring Harith Iskander as Professor Higgins, Indi Nadarajah as Colonel Pickering and introducing Michelle Quah as Lisa, the flower girl. Also featuring Fong Muntoh, Suzan Manen, Sarah Shahrum, Renee Aziz, Elaine Pedley, Llewellyn Marsh, Tabitha Kong, Janet Li, Kay-Li, Nicole Ann Thomas and Cristina Yap.
Directed by Paul Loosely with Executive Producer Faridah Merican and Artistic Director Joe Hasham. Presented by Maxis One club and KL Pac.
Well,... it sounds interesting way to pass some time.....
Who wants to go?
TAGS: Weblog, Blog, Malaysia, Personal, Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Center, Pygmalion, KLPAC, Art
Momo Yakitori, The Exchange TRX
4 hours ago
ReplyDeletePenny For Your Thoughts
... i thought u said u didn't want to go! :P
sin | 10.11.05 - 12:49 am | #
No lah.....
I said I want to go but I not sure whether I can go this week....
(when Hani wanted to buy the tickets, the details of when I have to go to Kuantan were not finalised yet)
J | Homepage | 10.11.05 - 9:30 am | #
Sounds interesting but (gah!) after spending RM500 last weekend methinks i'll pass on this one... :p
Pat | Homepage | 10.12.05 - 4:56 pm | #
500 bucks?
Wow, Mr. Big Spender, what did you splurge on?
J | Homepage | 10.12.05 - 5:14 pm | #
Erm... i don't quite remember... *whimper*
Pat | Homepage | 10.13.05 - 12:14 pm | #
Wow, Mr. Great Financial Planner Pincon...
It wasn't some drunken spending spree a'la Melbourne, was it?
Or are you funding some strange hobbies that we don't know about?
J | Homepage | 10.13.05 - 12:58 pm | #
Pat | Homepage | 10.20.05 - 4:53 pm | #
I knew it!
J | Homepage | 10.20.05 - 8:00 pm | #
Well, I didnt catch this one and I dunno who did.... Lisa went though and judging from her reviews? Hmmmm you guys should judge for yourself...
Bluryee | Homepage | 10.28.05 - 5:46 pm | #
Conseils tres interessants. A quand la suite?