Top of the morning to y'all....
Nothing too exciting happening on my end...
My Week, so far:
- Worked,
- My dad is feeling better .....*yay*,
- Pondered the meaning of life,
- Found out that I have to be in Kuantan for the next 2 days... *sigh*.
In any case, here's a funny forwarded email I got from my friend May Yee that I thought I'd share with y'all (This is for all the Star Wars fans out there):
Original post:
I saw revenge of the sith last weekend at a local theater with my friend joe who was in town on business. it was much better than the first two movies and a fitting end (err.. middle) to the star wars saga. The next day I was walking past my friendly dvd salesperson and decided to check out revenge of the sith.
I was assured the quality was good and for 7rmb why not give it a shot. Aside from the counters on the top of the screen and a distorted perspective it was ok- not high quality but watchable. The captions were a hilarious surprise- a direct english translation of the chinese interpretation of what the script was saying. It varied from being somewhat close to the script to being 'far far away'....

....anakin taunts general grevious.
....the general fires off a snappy comeback.

...c3po tells the amorous couple to get a room.

The hazards of buying illegal DVDs.....
It's a good laugh though, for a few bucks.....
TAGS: Weblog, Blog, Malaysia, Personal, Funny, Star Wars, Subtitles, Engrish, Movie
ReplyDeletePenny For Your Thoughts
It's been 5 mins since i read this and I'm still snorting and gasping for breath
You just made my day! *wiping tears from eyes*
s | Homepage | 10.12.05 - 2:02 pm | #
Glad that you enjoyed it...
(Yeah,... it's hilarious, innit?)
I don't usually like to abuse other people with forwared emails but this one was just too darn funny...
J | Homepage | 10.12.05 - 3:50 pm | #
Pat | Homepage | 10.12.05 - 4:58 pm | #
i can imagine the last 'nooooo' in chinese...'pu yaaaaaaauuu' LOL!
Hmmm the chinese language doesnt seem to have just 'no', does it.
Pu yau - dont want
Pu bi - dont need/ not necessary
Pu yung - dont need
Pu ke yee - cannot
Wo pu-ke-yee think of anymore right now.
s | Homepage | 10.12.05 - 5:47 pm | #
ooh i made mistake
pu-ke-yee (cannot as in permission)
Pu nen (cannot as in ability)
Pu sing - dont allow
Wah my chinese better than i thought le... yay!
s | Homepage | 10.12.05 - 5:49 pm | #
Or can someone just yell: "Puuuuuuu.........."
Is that closer to a "No", I wonder?
J | Homepage | 10.12.05 - 6:51 pm | #
s: oh,.. and yay for your L33t Chinese Skillz!
J | Homepage | 10.12.05 - 7:08 pm | #
That actually got me starting to laugh at half past 11 when i'm barely even awake!
William | Homepage | 10.15.05 - 10:30 pm | #
Here's the original:
http://winterson.com/2005/06/epi...ke-of- west.html
William | Homepage | 10.16.05 - 1:10 pm | #
Thanks for sharing Will...
How've you been anyway?
Haven't seen/ heard from you in ages!
J | 10.17.05 - 6:43 pm | #
Yeah, not too bad.
Just busy (as most working people seem to be).
(I followed links from Pat's blog to here...). Nice site
Oh, and if you know of any former Monash Caulfield students still in Melbourne, let them know that Monash is holding some sort of reunion it seems (http://www.monash.edu.au/alumni/reunion).
William | Homepage | 10.17.05 - 8:09 pm | #
Will do...
Hmmm,... I wouldn't mind attending...
except that I can't afford the airfare and accomodation and food cost...
(Curse thee, foul exchange rate!)
J | 10.18.05 - 8:28 pm | #