According to certain sources I sound a bit pissed off in the first edit.
OK, just for the record: No, I'm not pissed off about:
a) the restaurant planning thingy -
Ok, so I spent a lot of time searching online for somewhere special, made enquiries at the restaurant and took time to find info+links+pictures and post it all up on my blog... but HEY, if we don't go there this week, there'll be other times... and of course, conveniently, I now have all the vital info ready at hand.
b) the "party I wasn't invited for" -
I know Jo didn't intentionally NOT invite me and yes I acknowledge that I wasn't there when she mentioned it during mamak or coffee or somewhere at sometime and somehow from then on, the information just plained never reached me.
Fine. It happens.
Especially since I started this new job... Or more like since the last job I took.
I suppose when you are travelling around that much for work/ busy with work/ tired from travelling, people tend to start to assume that you are not around/ too busy/ too tired to come out all the time.
Which is mostly true anyway, I guess.
Once again.
Me going back to work now.
You know what?
F*** it.
Since everyone had already agreed unanimously (at a party that I wasn't invited to) that they want to eat KFC for dinner this Saturday, then fine.
I really don't know why Pat said he needed help organising.
Ho Hum.
I'm going back to work now.
**STICKY POST - please refer below for more recent posts**
Hello all!
Hello all!
Senor Pattar has decided that his schedule is too busy to organise the weekly dinner this time around, so he has so kindly passed the torch to me...
This week, we will be going to a new restaurant in town, El Cerdo.....
Senor Pattar has decided that his schedule is too busy to organise the weekly dinner this time around, so he has so kindly passed the torch to me...
This week, we will be going to a new restaurant in town, El Cerdo.....

Interior of El Cerdo
Venue ~ El Cerdo
Address ~ 52, Tengkat Tong Shin, 50200 Kuala Lumpur (I will post up a map soon)
Date ~ Saturday, 27th November 2005
Time ~ 8.30pm till late
Note ~ NOT HALAL (Sowe)
Venue ~ El Cerdo
Address ~ 52, Tengkat Tong Shin, 50200 Kuala Lumpur (I will post up a map soon)
Date ~ Saturday, 27th November 2005
Time ~ 8.30pm till late
Note ~ NOT HALAL (Sowe)
El Cerdo (which translates into "The Pig") is a German-French-Italian restaurant which specialises in (you guessed it!) porcine dishes, in particular their succulent Crispy Pork Knuckles.

Specialty: Crispy pork knuckle!
(and yeah, I had to "borrow" the photos seeing as they don't have a website yet)
They also have a selection of seafood and other food (for those of you who don't feel like chowing down on piggies).
Grilled prawns
Now, this restaurant has only been around for about 4 months but has already gotten a pretty good response so far.
Reviews are currently available at Babe in KL's Blog and Little Creature's Blog.
Reviews are currently available at Babe in KL's Blog and Little Creature's Blog.
As per the usual, kindly RSVP in the comment box below or sms/call/email me.
I will be making the booking soon.
At your service,
PS/ There are no set plans yet on where to go after dinner. Suggestions are welcomed. If not, there are a few nice bars around the Tengkat Tong Shin area that we can go to.
TAGS: Weblog, Blog, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Personal
ReplyDeletePenny For Your Thoughts
Hiya Joa!
Pork knuckles?! o_O Anyway, there's a reunion potluckie thingy at my place this Sat night (i'm hosting) so i wont be making it to dinner, but do feast upon livestocks' limbs, crispy or not on my behalf! :D
Catch up soon and have a good week!
Bluryee | Homepage | 11.22.05 - 10:44 pm | #
Awwww.... but this place is supposed to be really good....
I suppose there'll always be another time....
Have fun at your reunion thingy!
(Psssst... how come we weren't invited? *pout*)
J | Homepage | 11.23.05 - 8:55 am | #
Ermm... By unanimous decision, they've decided to have KLG I mean KFC at Alvin's place this weekend.
Sonofacow | Homepage | 11.23.05 - 11:17 am | #
Haaaaa. Really?
J | Homepage | 11.23.05 - 11:25 am | #
Awww... *HUGS Joa*
That did look delicious... can't we use it for another weekend?
sneexe | Homepage | 11.23.05 - 12:20 pm | #
I guess so.
J | Homepage | 11.23.05 - 1:42 pm | #
It looks really good, j
*drool drool*
When I go over, must bring me there, k? Followed by our haagen-daz sin-washing-friends-forever ceremony, which will be solemnised by Sebastian('s picture)
s | Homepage | 11.23.05 - 3:05 pm | #
Sounds good to me!
I shall make a mental note to set aside 5000 calories for our outing....
J to S | Homepage | 11.23.05 - 4:29 pm | #
OMG s that sounds SO kinky. Especially saying "sin" and "Sebastian" in the same sentence. Plus of course the decadently delicious Haagen Dazs mention...
sneexe | Homepage | 11.23.05 - 6:14 pm | #
Sin + Sebastian + Haagen Dazs is a good thing though, isn't it?
J | Homepage | 11.23.05 - 7:49 pm | #
eep!!!! me sorry!! really did not intend to leave you out...last minute thing and i wasn't even sure if there'd be enough food for the additional ppl so i just kept it to whoever was present at that time lor... to make up for it i'll buy you dinner k!! as for this sat's dinner plans... i had no hand in it! swear!!
jo-lyn | 11.23.05 - 8:21 pm | #
ermm how come the sad smiley face looks angry????
jo-lyn | 11.23.05 - 8:22 pm | #
Jo-lyn: Dont worry, we were all stumped at first too. And here, let me present you with the secret formula!
: + ( =
: + o + ( =
Either that or you can just click on the ? next to 'comment'.
s | Homepage | 11.24.05 - 9:06 am | #
sneexe: Haha I never thought about it like that! Thanks for the idea *carefully jotting down in little black book*
j: Tis indeed!
s | Homepage | 11.24.05 - 9:09 am | #
Free dinner, you say?
Well,... *nonchalant look*.... since you insist, I will take up your kind offer.
(muahahaha! my evil plan has come into fruition!)
J to Jo | Homepage | 11.24.05 - 1:52 pm | #
Thx for the great tip.
Yay. No more accidental s in future.
J to S | Homepage | 11.24.05 - 1:54 pm | #