Friday, December 30, 2005

All We Need Is A Resolution

Happy New Year (in advance) everyone!

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As the end of the year approaches, it's time for that game yet again....

*drum roll*

The worldwide sensation :
The "Make Your Resolutions And See How Many You Keep/ Bend/ Break by the End of the Year!" Game...

Here're my entries for the year:
1) Cut down on fattening things like chocolate.
(This one holds the record of "Resolution Broken Most Often" for about 10 years running now but I just KNOW I'll achieve it this year! I think....)
2) Exercise more.
(Hmmmmm....this one's probably first runner up for the"Resolution Broken Most Often" record)
3) Read more stuff that feeds my brain.
4) Keep on blogging.
(New entry!)
5) Spend less money on frivolous things like clothes and shoes and bags.
6) Research and start my own business by end 2006/ start 2007.
(Another new entry!)

I think 6 should be enough to keep me busy for the year.


Anyone want to share their 2006 resolutions?

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Thursday, December 29, 2005

Holy Hotpants, Batman!

Anyway, was aimlessly surfing the internet as usual when I found an interesting site with many vintage comic covers...... which are strangely packed with innuendo.....

Check it out:

Erm,... What's with that goofy grin on Wonder Woman's face anyway?

Another wonderful bit of Joker's character : A Disturbing Voyueristic Beastiality Fetish (read the words carefully - it's just so wrong!)

So wrong in so many ways.....(Curse my twisted mind!)

?? What's with the fixation on spanking ??

Is it just me? Or is there some disturbing meaning behind these comics?

To check out more vintage covers, go HERE.

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** Words of Wisdom **


"Life without chocolate is life lacking something important."

--Writers Marcia Colman Morton & Frederic Morton


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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

May Ze Force Be Wizth You, Young Padawan!

Mmmm,... a rainy morning in PJ today...
Definately a great day to sleep in.... not so great for going to work....

That's the thing about Malaysian weather though...
We really only have 2 main varietals:
1) FRIGGIN' hot
2) Bloody raining cats and dogs

Oh well. Really shouldn't gripe about things that I can't change.


Here's a classic.....
(Tis not a new video.... but funny nonetheless)

(and just FYI, I love the whole Star Wars hexalogy (or is it a double trilogy?), EXCLUDING Episode I and II.... but it's just funny to see a handpuppet take the mickey out of a bunch of avid fans)

Triumph sez: "Spoiler? Here's a spoiler: ... *dramatic pause*... You will die alone!"


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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

A Night At Nine


(as at end 2006)
Now, apparently Nine has already closed down / moved out of One Bangsar. I tried to call and email them to get more details but there is no response so far....

Anyway, I will put more up when I find out the details.


Our continuing quest to tantalise our tastebuds brought us to the new, hip and happening restaurant called Nine at One Bangsar....

There, they have no ala' carte available but instead have "concept dining" where you only have a choice between 3 set meals:
1)RM 39++ --> Coffee + Dessert
('Nuff said)
2)RM 69++ --> 2 course meal
3)RM 90++ --> 3 course meal

(NOTE 1: This is how it works: You get to pick anything off the menu - eg. You pick the RM 69++ set. This means that you can then choose 1 appetizer + 1 main OR 2 mains OR 1 main + 1 dessert, etc. Also, the entire menu is seasonal - changing every 4 to 6 months)

(NOTE 2: The mains aren't THAT big, so most guys can go for 2 mains and it should be just nice)

(NOTE 3: Oh, and do watch out for certain menu items which have captions at the back - eg. +RM 40 for the Baked Cod, which means that you have to pay an additional 40 bucks on top of the price of the set you choose)

The Dinner:

Here's a look at the restaurant from the outside...
(Photos very fuzzy - sorry)

Most of our group went for the option of 2 mains...
Thus, I cannot do a proper review on the appetizers or desserts...

However, since I have dined at Nine before that night, I can say offhand that in general:
1) The appetizers are small but tasty.... Highlights being the Seared Duck as well as the Mushroom Broth....
2) The desserts are also small and not that great....
(Do avoid the Creme Brulee unless you absolutely LOVE the taste of basil)

(Disclaimer: The first time I ate at Nine, they were having a large function at the same time. Assumably, that affected the food quality. However, since first impressions last: I remain unimpressed with their food especially the very rubber-y Baked Cod I had that night)

A nice touch that Nine has is it's complimentary appetizer....
Changing from day to day, a yummy bit- sized morsel is served to you upon your arrival to tantalise your tastebuds... On this night, we enjoyed a stuffed mushroom, baked with cheese:

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Nine also serves a delicious Citrus Sorbet in between your first and second course to refresh your palate...
(No piccie though - was too excited and ate it before taking a shot! - Oops)
Moving on, here's are the mains that we enjoyed that night:

Clockwise from upper left corner: Fish with Szechuan Spices,
Grilled Lamb, Steak with Wine Sauce, Grilled Chicken.

The Fish with Szechuan Spices (my order) was really nice... The fish was tender and tasty, emphasised by the delicate flavours of the Szechuan sauce...
(Fusion cuisine at its best!)

Tha lamb was pretty good (Chen Hoe's order)... The meat was tender and juicy making the lamb a good pick....

The steak on the other hand (although a popular order that night) was only OK... I thought that mine was a bit dry, but possibly it's partly my own fault,... I had asked for it to be less bloody (medium).

Lastly, the chicken too was OK (Pat's order) - reportedly, nothing extraordinary...

Sneexe was the only one who had dessert that night...
She ordered the Souffle served with Ice Cream.... and according to her, it tasted pretty good.

Here's all of us at dinner:

(Look at Pattar's eyes! Scary!)

Overall, I felt that the restaurant had a lot of hits and misses on its menu....
Although most of the food tasted alright... I couldn't help but feel that it was overpriced...
Also, seeing as this place has gotten rave reviews thus far, I was really expecting a LOT.
Still, the ambience is nice and the service was good, so all in all, this restaurant is worth a try.

(Another saving point though is that the drinks there are pretty affordable...
A glass of house wine goes for about RM15++ and a beer's about RM10++...)

Restaurant Review
Summary Sheet:

Nine @ One Bangsar

Taste: 6
Ambience : 8
Service : 8
Price** : RM 90/++ per person
Parking: OK

** Approximation - 3 course meal, excluding drinks
Telephone No.: 603 - 2287 9680
Opening Hours: 11am - late


The After(-Dinner) Party:

After we ended our glutton-fest, we proceeded to the Lounge/ Bar section of Nine @ One Bangsar(situated next to the dining area).... It was surprisingly empty for a Saturday night, so we had the whole place to ourselves...


The bar was nice...(spacious and comfortable with funky chill music in the background)...and the service was impeccable (well,...we were the only people there la)... And as I mentioned before, the drinks are pretty affordable (for the Bangsar area)...

Photo of the bar ("borrowed" from Julie the Biscuit's site - thx Julie, hope you don't mind!)

Definately a great place to hang out with friends...
The only downside is that they officially close at about 1am (although the waiters were really nice and didn't rush us off or throw us dirty looks - Pssst...Thanks guys! It's much appreciated!).
Oh, and here's a piccie of Pat caught red-handed....
Silly Froggy! He thought he was putting on Boon's jacket.... and was THIS close to walking out with it until he laid his eyes on Boon... who had just walked out of the toilet, wearing his jacket.

Turns out it was the restaurant manager's jacket (that he had placed on the chair while he went out for a smoke)....

Nine @ One Bangsar

Pavilion 6 (1st Floor)
63c-1 Jalan Ara, Bangsar Baru,
Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03 - 22879680

Opening Hours
Daily: 11am till 1am

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O' Happy Day!

Am back at work!
*tries to psyche self up*
I love my work!
Really, I do!

Who am I kidding?
(To those of you out there who have found a job that you absolutely LOVE - Congratulations! I hope you appreciate how lucky you are....)

Anyway, here's a video for your amusement.........
First of all, imagine this:
Some old dude squirts some white stuff on 2 half naked guys...
... who then proceed to shave...
... and touch each other's skin...
... while ooh-ing and ahh-ing about how smooth it feels...
... as the aforementioned old dude proceeds to spray MORE stuff at them...
... It all ends with the 2 half naked guys engaging in what looks like an gleeful mating ritual type dance...


Oh yeah.
If I was a straight guy, I would DEFINATELY go and buy that shaver.

See UFC heavyweight champion Mark Coleman and Pride MW champion Wanderlei Silva feel each other up in this Japanese razor commercial.

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Sunday, December 25, 2005

Peace On Earth

Happy J sez:

Merry Christmas everyone!
*hugs all around*

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Fa la la la la... la la la la.....!

I hope that you are surrounded by family and friends on this wonderful holiday of peace and love!

May Santa come down the chimney and fill up your stockings with presents and goodies!

Gwumpy J sez:

Bah humbug.
Just another exploited, over-commercialised celebration that has totally lost its original meaning...

Might as well rename it "Go Spend All Your Money On Overpriced Gifts, Oh, Look It's Santa Claus!" Day!

*mumble, grumble*

Now,... where's the whiskey?

ps/ No, I'm not bi-polar. Well,... more like I've never been formally diagnosed.

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Thursday, December 22, 2005

DAY 4: The Legendary Frog-Kitten!

With Day 4 of My Holiday passing ever so quickly, I am now slowly beginning to panic as the last few days of Christmas shopping has not turned out to be fruitful at all.
(Aaaaaaaahhhhh! Can't find anything suitable! - I do NOT want to resort to buying "Merry Christmas" mugs and paperweights!)
(*sigh*.. Maybe next time I should start my search earlier,... like say, January)

Anyway, here's a dose of overwhelming cuteness to brighten up your day:

It's SO KEY-YUTE....!
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I want one!
(erm.... anyone wanna volunteer to get me a Christmas present?)

Oh, and for you office minions who are still working right now....
Have no fear, Friday is near!
(And that means: It's very close to the weekend + very close to Christmas!)
(So, hold on and be strong...)

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~ Travel Fun With Matt ~

For those of you who are stuck at home this holiday season (while friends and family are flying off to exotic locations like Nice, Bangkok, etc.), this one's for you!:


I just love that guy!
(Kudos to you, Mr Matt Harding, where ever you may be now)

(Ooh,... he has a website too... Check it out HERE)

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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

And Yet Another Part Of My Innocence Crumbles Away...

I still remember it when it happened...

*fade in*
It was another quiet night... hanging out at Alvin's place after our regular Saturday night dinner. That night we had been joined by M, who we all had not seen for a while due to his hectic work schedule...

Conversation flowed from topic to topic until M revealed yet another jarringly interesting fact about his life....

You know that urban legend of the whole "Soggy Biscuit" game?
(I am NOT explaining what it is.... do click on the link and go look it up by yourself pleasethankyouverymuch)

Well, now I've met someone who has actually played it....
... and although he was not the unlucky loser
... he not only participated in this "game" but has also witnessed with his own eyes, some poor fool having the consume the said biscuit with all its accompanying ... erm... "condiments".....


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DAY 3: The Attack of The Python!

What have I been up to?
Well,... I've been going to the gym (almost) everyday for starts.
(Dah!.. dah!.. dah DAH!.. *Eye of the tiger starts playing in background*)

Other than that, it's a pretty relaxing holiday so far.

Anyways,.. here's another round of the ongoing series of restaurant reviews....

The Dinner:

That week, our dinner group ventured to Flamin' J Firehouse....
Located in the new Hartamas Shopping Center, this place came recommended by Pattar and has been recently highlighted in the Star newspaper.

We began with an array of starters....

Left to right: Calamari Rings, Nachos, Buffalo Chips and Baked Mussels

The starters were all OK.
(the best in my book were the Calamari Rings. The Buffalo Chips were OK and the Nachos were not so good)
Lenny said that the Baked Mussels were nice, but I wouldn't know - cos he ate them all....


Moving on, here's Pat showing his dinner who's boss:

*rawr* PATTAR ATTACK! *rawr*

Pat had the Big Bertha burger (a house specialty) for his main....
... and he reports that it tastes good.
(That burger was pretty stacked - I respect the person who can actually eat it without having to take it apart first)
(Hmmm,... although that would be freaky 'cos it would probably involve unhinging the jaw first)

Here's what I had:
The Philly Cheese Steak (PCS).

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The PCS bun (which looks suspiciously like the normal hot dog buns sold in supermarkets) was crisp on the outside and was generously filled with tender beef slices, onions, capsicum and cheese. Tasted only "OK".... but for RM 9.90, I ain't complaining.

I was pretty filled up after the main so I did not try any of the desserts.
(Not much choice there anyway... 2 kinds of cake and some variations of ice creams)

Overall,... I wasn't very impressed with the taste of the food.
(but I'm pretty hard to please la)

Still, I must say, it's darn good value for money....
Most of the desserts and starters cost less than RM 10, and the mains are also very decently priced, ranging from about RM 10 (small-ish serving) to RM 50 (enormous serving).
Mind you, very little effort is made on presentation here so please expect your food to be served on plastic plates with no garnishing.

Oh, and if you are feeling brave, they have a special item on the menu:
The Python is a monster of a sub - 2 feet long and stuffed with meat, cheese and mushrooms.
The challenge is that if you can finish it in an hour, you'll get it for free.
(You can see it HERE on Pat's blog)

Warning: Do not attempt unless you have the gastro-abilities of Takeru Kobayashi, or have not eaten in 3 days....

Note: Please park in the Hartamas Shopping Center and NOT Plaza Damas if you can help it. Although these buildings are connected, the parking charges in Plaza Damas are much higher.

Restaurant Review
Summary Sheet:

Flamin' J Firehouse @ Hartamas Shopping Center

Taste: 5.5
Ambience : 6
Service : 8
Price** : RM 25/++ per person
Parking: OK
** Approximation - 3 course meal, excluding drinks
Telephone No.: 603 - 6201 7750

Opening Hours: 11am - late


The After-(Dinner) Party:
After dinner, we ventured to D'Lounge, a nearby bar located in Plaza Damas (which is situated right next to the Hartamas Shopping Center).
This bar is so cute!
It has a very kitschy retro look, with white, red and silver being the dominant colours in the theme....
... with amusing posters with unusual taglines lining the walls
... and funky chill music playing in the background...
All in all, D'Lounge is a small but comfortable lounge, with the only flaw being the very limited selection of drinks on the menu.

I definately wouldn't mind going back there again sometime...
It's a nice place to chill out with friends over a beer...

D'Lounge @ Plaza Damas

Unit D04, Plaza Damas
60, Jalan Sri Hartamas 1,
50480 KL
Tel : 03 - 6201 9822

Opening Hours
(sorry - forgot to note it down)

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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

DAY 2: Fun With Chalk

Day 2 already...
Wow, time really flies!
The highlight for today was meeting up with some ex-colleagues for lunch today in KL....
That was nice,.. being able to sit down to catch up...
Also managed to drag myself to the gym today (despite a dire case of "jello arms and legs")
(Me so proud of meself!)
Of course, I only managed to chalk up a measly 30 minutes on the treadmill before crashing out... but HEY, at least I tried..
(that's gotta count for something, right?)
Anyway, here's some interesting pictures I found while surfing the Net: Giveth a man chalk and he shall maketh art!


Hmmm,.... I know how that feels.....
Check out the rest of this artist's work HERE...

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Monday, December 19, 2005

DAY 1: Oodles of Excitement *yawn*

The first day of my year end annual leave is scratched off the calender.
It's been so exciting so far:
Morning -
1) Paid bills
2) Went to gym
2) Wimped out from going to the gym 'cos every muscle in my body is currently hurting from the last gym session.
(Am SO out of shape)
(Walking around/ sitting down/ getting up/ everything else was a real pain for the whole day... It was like a constant inner monologue of: "Ouch-ouch-ouch-ouch-ouch*)

Afternoon -
1) Picked up mum for lunch
2) Shopping
(Went to Midvalley Megamall - It was absolute madness!)
(It was super packed... groups of kids on school break, manic Christmas shoppers, housewives with gaggles of toddlers in tow, etc... and the traffic jam on the way out reached an "Oh f**king hell, shoot me now and end my misery!" level.)

Night -
1) Dinner at home
2) Read a book

My life rocks!

Am thinking of going to Zouk on Thursday night tho..
Anyone up for it?
(Let's go parTAY!)

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Bowling Is Fun...

.... especially when you win.

Had a fun Sunday morning...
Amazingly, even after not playing for almost 3 years, I managed to bag some prizes at my company's bowling tournament...
(Miracles can happen - *looks to the sky* - Thanks for the help, big guy!)

I was lucky enough to win a prize at the lucky draw and another by getting a placing...
(YAY for me!)
... but then again, being placed at 13 (out of 18 contestants) really isn't something THAT fantatic, is it?
Still, it was fun... and my bowling stayed true to form....
Gutter balls one minute, then a double stike next.
(I am the reigning queen of inconsistency!)

The rest of the day was pretty relaxing, even the dinner with family and some family friends later that night...
Uh HUH....
I just LOVE sitting at a table, being stuffed with food while being told of how much weight I have gained...
.. This was of course accompanied with a variety of great tips on how I should slim down and live my life in general.

Yeah.... like I said: F-U-N.

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Sunday, December 18, 2005

Smells Like Christmas Spirit

A holiday display in Hunter's Creek, Orlando is causing quite an uproar. The display features Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer hanging from a tree in the front yard of the house.

(Sound normal enough so far?)

Well, with one red light represents its nose and the rest appear to be blood draining from Rudolph's body, the display represents a hunting technique called field dressing, which is what hunters do to a deer they kill (but many neighbors say it disgusts them)

Blitzen sez: "Hey, R-man! How's it hanging?.... erm... You don't look so good...."

Rudolph sez: "OUCH."

Very unconventional, to say the least......
(You can check out the original article HERE)


What a way to display Christmas cheer...!
... Kudos for originality though.....

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Friday, December 16, 2005


Finally!.... It's that time of year where I get to take my annual leave...

I had a look at my schedule for next year though (all planned and arranged by my manager)....
.... and it looks ~SCARY~ indeed.

As usual, it's back to back assignments for the whole year.... traversing pretty much the whole of Malaysia...
and the only time I can take leave in 2006 will be in April (one week) and December (two weeks)....


Anyway, my break will last about a week (19/12/05 - 26/12/05) but I will try my darndest to update everyday as usual....

If not, you can give me an earful when I return....
... but till then,......

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*breaks off her shackles and runs into the light*
I'm freeeeeeeeeeee...............!

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Beware of Squirrel? *repost*

(Now with pictures for twice the fun...)

Awwwww... it's so cute, isn't it?

Well, don't be fooled!

Once it's done with that bird, it might start on you!

Check out the article Killer Russian Squirrels on the BBC website: Fear the squirrel!

Be afraid,.... be very afraid!

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A Night in Paris

*looks at calender*
Yup, it's Friday again...
*sigh of relief*


Anyway, this year, my family and I ventured to the quaint and wonderfully lush Cafe Cafe on Jalan Maharajalela, Kuala Lumpur to celebrate my mother's birthday....

After the initial misadventure , we found ourselves at our venue of choice...
(It all began with making one wrong turn *sigh*)
(I'm hopeless with directions! - I really should have printed out the map from their website)

(Word of warning: although parking is ample in the general vicinity of the restaurant, the area is very dark and looks a bit dodgy so please please don't walk alone, k?)

I love this restaurant......
From the outside, with its dark finishing, it looks rather unassuming... but the moment you step through its heavy wooden doors, you will be immediately transported to another world...
... a world of decadence and lush glamour,
... with glittering crystals floating on gossamer threads from the ceiling, sparkling like stars plucked from the sky...
(seriously,... it feels like being warped a few thousand miles into a romantic Parisian cafe)

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A peek into Cafe Cafe

Ok.... enough gushing about the restaurant decor.....
Onwards to the food!

The Dinner:

We started off dinner with a selection of appetizers...
- the Baked Escargots, in basil sauce (not in photo) which was ok,
- the Panfried Mushrooms in Garlic which was delicious!, and
- the Smoked Salmon Salad which was crisp and fresh (*yum*).

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The salad and the mushrooms!

Soon after, the mains arrived....
Here is the Panfried Salmon in Wine Sauce which was delicious...

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Here fishy, fishy, fishy.....

... and the monstrous Braised Lamb Shank that I had,...
(such a large serving... and only for RM 36!)
... the lamb shank, although large, was surprisingly tender and just slightly spicy...

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Holy moly! Look at the size of that shank!

Mmmmm,... and the creme de la creme.... The Chocolate Mousse which we had for dessert....
(It's really good!)

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Eat first, regret later....?

My mum had the Chocolate Royale for dessert...
It was also really good... similar to the Mousse but with more texture as it had a delicious crumbly base....

Overall,... we all had a lovely time at the restaurant...
It has an extensive selection of wines, delicious food, charming and attentive waiters.... all beautifully packaged in a truly unique and delightful ambience.

Of course, there is always a downside to every place... and for Cafe Cafe (this is me being super super fussy), it was the oddly mixed crowd that patronises it......

It's strange:
You'll see beautiful people, dressed to the nines, giggling over wine and foie gras at one table....
... and at the next table, you'll find a groups of people dressed in t-shirts, shorts and slippers sipping on coffee....
(Not that I'm against people wearing whatever the h3ll they want, as long as they are comfortable... it just kinda spoils the ambience)


Anyway, that's all for now.....

Restaurant Review
Summary Sheet:

Cafe Cafe @ Jln Maharajalela, KL

Taste: 8
Ambience : 8.5
Service : 8
Price** : RM 80/++ per person
Parking: OK (but very dark)

** Approximation - 3 course meal, excluding drinks
Telephone No.: 603 - 2145 8141
Opening Hours:
Mon to Sat 6pm - 12am
Sun 12pm - 12am


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Thursday, December 15, 2005

Chocoholic's Log

Time: Day t -1 (till escape from office)
Venue: Minion Cubicle #102983

Things are looking up!

Am in a really good mood because I'm starting my annual leave next Monday.
*inner J does a happy dance*

Had a good weekend....
On Saturday afternoon, I met up with my old friend Ling (who I hadn't seen for really long because she's been too busy flying all over the world)....
Ling (and her boy) whipped up a delicious lunch....
(Mmmm,.. deviled eggs, roasted veg, panfried mushrooms, cold cuts and cheese - YUM)
... which me and Nick consumed voraciously....

Compliments to the chef!

This was followed by B-52 shots prepared by the gracious hostess...
(Rule of thumb: Any time is a good time for alcohol (and chocolates, of course!)

Alcohol is your friend...

Another round of gluttony ensued during dinner at Flamin' J Firehouse later that night.
(Yes, yes... will put up review soon)

Sunday was a lazy day...

Monday too...

And the rest of the week?
Week's been ok, I guess.
(All work and no play - *sigh*)
(Well,.. life as an Internal/ Infernal Auditor is never easy, I suppose)
(*inner J screams in frustration*)

Signing off,

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Made In Japan

Presenting, the hottest up and coming celebrity phenomenon in Japan now...

Name: Masaki Sumitami
Date of Birth: December 18, 1975
Place of Birth: Harima, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
Education: Doshisha University (majored in Commerce)

What is his claim to fame exactly, you ask?

Well, Masaki-san is a 29 year old who's most spectacular "gei" (meaning talent in Japanese) is to turn into his TV alter ego : Hard Gay (aka "Razor Ramon") - a tall, buff faux homosexual dressed in a revealing black leather S&M outfit, whose incessant pelvis-thrusting and frequent exclamations of “WOOO!!!” has captured the hearts of Japanese, young and old....

(Good Lord,... Hard Gay's "gei" is pretending to be gay - eek... what a pun....)

Hard Gay's (HG) TV shows are loosely based on the wholesome concept of "yonaoshi", meaning social improvement. This means that he meanders down streets, attempting to help out those he perceives as being in need whilst making jokes rich with pun and innuendo (most times, whilst thrusting his crotch in the subject's direction with reckless abandon)

Hard Gay at Japan Yahoo! office
(Warning! View screenshots at your own risk!)

Wanna find out more?
Read articles on HG HERE and HERE.

Still morbidly curious? Wanna see him in action?
(Note: The following video(s) do not have English subtitles but seriously, you don't need them - it's still hilarious even if you don't understand a word he's saying.....)
HERE - HG trying to make himself the Yahoo! mascot

Hit me again, you say? (Oh, behave!)
More videos:
HERE - HG working at a ramen store
HERE - HG helping the public on the streets of Japan

Curious aboout his recent cameos?
In the PS2 game: "Rakugaki Oukoku" (Graffiti Kingdom). Observe gameplay HERE.
HG cardboard cut-outs pimping out DVDs in stores:

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Woooooo......! Buy my DVD!
Like I said..... Only in Japan.....

I'm feeling rather drained from work so thankfully, it's almost the weekend...
... and to add to that, I start my annual leave next week!
(Now, if only I can get the hours to pass by more quickly.... *wishful thinking*)

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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Are You A People Person?

If you are having any trouble at all finding unusual gifts for your loved ones
at Christmas, here are a few ideas:

1) HUFU™
aka. "Mmmmmmm, You Won't Believe It's NOT Human Meat!"

What does Hufu™ taste like? Does it taste like human flesh?
Hufu™ is designed to resemble, as humanly possible, the taste and texture of human flesh. If you've never had human flesh before, think of the taste and texture of beef, except a little sweeter in taste and a little softer in texture. Contrary to popular belief, people do not taste like pork or chicken.

How do you know Hufu™ tastes like human flesh?
The taste and texture of Hufu™ are the result of painstaking research and extensive testing in our kitchens. We are supremely confident that our food products would satisfy the tastes of even the most demanding cannibal.

Who actually buys Hufu™?
Hufu™ was originally conceived of as a product for students of anthropology hungry for the experience of cannibalism but deterred by the legal and logistical obstacles. However, our preliminary market research revealed the existence of a larger segment of the public that was interested in the availability of a legal and healthy human flesh substitute, as well as vegetarians and vegans. We also found that Hufu™ is a great product for cannibals who want to quit. Hufu™ is also a great cannibal convenience food -- no more Friday night hunting raids! Stay at home and enjoy the flavorful, convenient human flesh alternative.

2) Pee & Poo™
For The Fecalphiliac In You!

What is it?
Straight out of a toilet and into your bed . The new Pee & Poo toys are cute, cuddly and a little controversial. Designer Emma Megitt launched her unique friends at the Future Designer Days Expo this year. The first batch of Pee & Poo toys hit Sweden and where sold out quicker than you can say Abba. The controversy surrounding a line of toys representing human waste has created great publicity for Megitt and has launched her name into the designer world spotlight. Originally sold separately Pee & Poo now come in a duo pack. So you get both bodily functions covered in the one box.

These toys are perhaps the most subtle, lovable and harmless way you can physically represent urine and excrement in the form of a plush toy. For a quick language course on the words Pee and Poo in several foreign tongues go to the web site where they are listed. by Andy G via toysrevil.blogspot.

3) Subversive Cross-Stiching
Be Different!

Happy What??
Tired of boring ol', run of the mill Christmas greetings?
Hand-make special greetings for your loved ones with kits from Subversive Cross-Stich...

Now I've really seen it all....
(especially with Hufu™ - eek)

Well,... at least it's different, right?

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