Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Shrine O' Seagal

And now for something lighter on this gloomy Wednesday afternoon....
(Am starting to feel really sleepy in spite of the amount of coffee I have consumed)

::Steven Seagal::
Height: 6' 4''
Sex: M
Nationality: American
Birth Date: April 10, 1951
Birth Place: Lansing, Michigan, USA
Current Relationship: Arissa Wolf (former nanny
to Seagal's and Kelly LeBrock's (Mr. Seagal's first wife) children)

Ahhhh.. Seagal!
How great you are....
... to have such depth and range in your performances:

(Click on the above thumbnail and prepare to be in AWE!)

(erm,... so how is it that Mr Steven Seagal has survived in the industry for over a decade and has starred in 20+ movies?)

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1 comment:


    Penny For Your Thoughts

    by cursing and beating the shit you of everybody haha
    Jay Jee | Homepage | 12.11.05 - 2:25 am | #



    Yeah. I suspect that's where the bulk of his talent lies...

    J to JJ | 12.12.05 - 11:30 am | #


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