Friday, December 29, 2006
Love and Marriage?
Apparently arranged marriages are not extinct in the modern landscape of KL after all...
(And this is a real eye opener for me)
It felt really surreal going over to the house of my friend for her wedding kenduri last weekend and having the thought lingering at the back of my head that she is marrying a guy she didn't date, probably doesn't really know and definately didn't choose for herself.
In fact, I had this strange imaginary scenario in my head:
*bride walks up to groom*
Bride: Oh, are you my groom? Hi, my name is Hz.
Groom: Why yes I am... Hi, my name is Fb. Nice to meet you.
*they both shake hands*
Bride: Cool. So, shall we continue with the rest of the wedding now?
*wedding festivities then continue*
Well, the groom looks like a nice guy anyway, so:
A big hearty CONGRATULATIONS to Hz and her new hubby Fb!
Remember, dear: Statistics show that arranged marriages, more often than not, outlast "love" marriages in terms of happiness, stability and sheer staying power.
(Erm.... not that "love" marriages aren't good too... *looks over her shoulder to see whether Hani&Tariq or Tj&Khalil are reading this*)
TAGS: Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, KL, Kuala Lumpur, Personal
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Carnaval of Carnivores
Last Friday, we ventured to Carnaval Churrascaria in Damansara Jaya for Chen's surprise birthday party...
There, they serve a Brazilian Buffet meal.
What is that, you ask? - Well, it's an array of freshly grilled meats brought to your table on large skewers and served onto your place by friendly waiters till you say:
"No more for me, sir... I think my arteries are clogging up!".
The Dinner
Located at a corner lot shop in the old Parkson Atria area, the interior of Carnaval is dimly lit but has a cheerful colour scheme - mostly yellows and orange, with a simple but otherwise comfortable ambience:

There are basically 2 choices here:
1) RM30++ for the Salad buffet, or
2) RM45++ for the Salad & Meat buffet.
The salad bar was excellent!
There was a wide range of yummy vegetable dishes (at least 14 different kinds)... from Asian tasting Vermicelli salads to the more traditional Western style Potato Wedges and Coleslaw.
(Ooh, the Tomatoes with Vinaigrette and the Deep Fried Eggplant were excellent!)

What about the meats?
Well, there was a wide array of choices for all you carnivores out there.... They had 2 kinds of lamb, 2 kinds of beef, 2 kinds of chicken, fish, prawns, sausages and (for the more adventurous) chicken giblets and even grilled pineapple.

1) Beef (both types): Not so good (Slightly tough...)
2) Lamb (both types): Great! (Juicy and tasty...)
3) Fish: OK (Tender but not very flavorful)
4) Prawns: OK (Nothing special...)
5) Sausages: OK (Again, nothing special...)
6) Chicken Wings: Delicious!
7) Chicken Meat: OK (Also nothing special...)
8) Grilled Pineapple: Yummy! (Juicy and very appetising, with slightly sour taste)
All in all, I was pretty satisfied with the selection of grilled meat (as well as the pineapple). If I have one complaint about this place though, it would not be on the food, it's on how severely overpriced the water is.
Yes, you heard me (and let this be a warning to you): Each bottle of water costs RM10++.... And mind you, it's not any kind of fancy-shmancy imported water either, it was Eu Claire... which probably sells for less than RM2.50 at any given grocery shop:

No wonder the waiters were so happily and attentively refilling our glasses and bringing new bottles of water for us!
I suppose since their actual buffet is pretty cheap (as compared to let's say, Bom Brazil in KL which goes for about RM60++), they have to try to "make up for it" by charging higher prices on drinks....
(Floyd said that they usually do not charge for water on normal weekdays (Mon - Thurs)... but I can't verify that because I've only been there once)
So it's: Casual, comfortable ambience, friendly waiters, great range of meat and salads BUT hits & misses for the meats and EXPENSIVE drinks (the water, specifically)
Restaurant Review
Summary Sheet:
Carnaval Churrascaria @ Damansara Jaya, PJ
Taste: 6
Ambience : 6
Service : 7
Price : RM30/++ (Salad bar only) OR RM45/++ (Salad Bar & Meat) per person
Parking: OK
** Buffet (as stated), excluding drinks
Telephone No.: 03-7725 2252/ 7728 5411
Opening Hours: 6pm - 10pm
TAGS: Food, Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, Restaurant Review, Restaurant Reviews, Damansara Jaya, Petaling Jaya, All You Can Eat, Brazilian Buffet, Carnaval Churrascaria, Buffet
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
That Time Of Year Again
I can't believe it's the 27th of December already....
Only 5 more days till the New Year!!
I usually get pretty moody around this time of year... if only because I am never happy when I measure myself against what I wanted to achieve for the year...
For example:
Q1: Has J lost 10 pounds of fat yet?
A1: No. In fact she's gained about 5 more pounds.
Q2: Has J started earning indecently large amounts of money yet?
A2: Are you kidding? Her salary increment in 2006 was only about 4%!
(And 4% extra of what what was already very little is really not much of a difference at all....)
Q3: Has J grown to be a better person this year?
A3: Ah.... it depends on who you ask but mostly, the answer would be NO.
Ok lah.
So maybe my yearly resolutions are a bit typical.
(You'll definately not find any "Oh, I want to join the Peace Corps" or "I want to donate all my money to charity" sorta goals in there.... not yet anyway...)
So for 2007, I'll go about this a bit differently.... Instead of setting lofty goals, I'll try to have slightly more measureable and achievable targets:
1) Just lose the extra 5 pounds as a start,
(No more banana leaf rice for lunch! *waiiiil*)
2) Read at least one (non-fiction) book every 3 months,
(Feed brain with facts!)
3) Negotiate much harder for a better increment (at least 6%),
(3 years working experience has to be worth something, right?)
4) Be nicer to parents and darling bf.
(No more snapping at them when stressed out with work! They shouldn't have to put up with my sh1t!)
5) Oh, and one more: Drink less alcohol! Drink more water!
That's a start I suppose....
So, what are your New Year Resolutions for 2007?
TAGS: Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Personal
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Friends With Money
(March 2010)
Not that it's newly opened,... but I just found out that Siu Siu has a branch in the Sungai Besi area.
No. 1, Kampung Satu Seksyen 93,
Jalan Sungai Besi,
57100 Kuala Lumpur.
Opening Hours: 11am - 11pm (Closed on Tuesday)
Phone No.: 016-370 8555
I haven't been there before, but you can refer to AWOL's review or Ah King. :)
Trying to give you more options,
Quite a few Saturdays ago, Nick was a darling and invited a few of us for dinner at a nearby Chinese restaurant called Siu Siu in the Taman Seputih area.
(So that we could help him spend his bonus money - muahaha)
Now, anyone who was in the KL/ PJ area last Saturday will know how insanely heavy the rainfall was that night - drains overflowing, people up to their ankles in water (and rising), etc and the corresponding traffic jams, of course....
It was basically the sorta rain that you could get soaked-to-the-bone wet in 2 seconds if you didn't have an umbrella OR soaked-to-the-bone wet in 10 seconds if you DID have an umbrella.
(Bloody torrential tropical rainfall *grumble*)
The Dinner
Anyway, we finally made it to the restaurant, settled down and ordered our food... We were all wet, cold and hungry so we may have gone a little overboard with the ordering....
(Hmmm,... 6 people eating 7 dishes and 1 soup? So greedy!)
The restaurant was very basic in terms of ambience - concrete floor, zinc roofing, round wooden tables with washed out holey red tablecloths and plastic chairs... but it was clear that this place was popular as it was absolutely packed that night:

It was so funny though, there was rain water dripping from some parts of the roof which dripped onto some of the flourescent lights, making the entire restaurant black out TWICE.... That, and one of the drains behind the restaurant overflowed leading to a sudden mini "flash flood" of muddy water across half the restaurant.
Yeah, it was a pretty eventful night.
We started off that night with a Salted Vegetables and Tofu soup to warm ourselves up:

The soup was good - wholesome and robust.
(I would have prefered it a little saltier though)
Then, onwards to the mains...
We had the Roast Duck, Claypot Crabs, Chili Crabs (served with optional "Man Tao"), Marmite Spare Ribs, 4 Heavenly Kings Vegetables (minus the Petai) and the Butter Prawns.....
First up, the Sweet and Sour Crabs with Deep Fried "Man Tao" (chinese buns):

The Claypot Crab:

The Roast Duck:

The Butter Prawns:

The Marmite Spare Ribs and the "4 Heavenly Kings" Vegetables:

(Haha - so much, right?)
Anyway, let's put it in order of how much I liked the dishes...
Good - Both type of Crabs, Butter Prawns.
The crabs were fresh, meaty and fragrant (yum)...
The Butter Prawns were also good - fresh and delicious. If they were just a biiiiit crispier though, then they would have been great.
OK - Marmite Spare Ribs, Roast Duck, 4 Heavenly Kings Vegetables (minus the Petai).
Spare Ribs were ok - a bit too salty and sticky for my taste....
The meat of the Roast Duck was nice but the skin was sadly, not crispy at all. Luckily it wasn't too "fat" so it wasn't all bad....
The 4 Heavenly Kings Vegetables (a fancy name for a dish of fried long beans, four angle beans, brinjals and petai), fried with Belacan was not too spicy but generally, just ok.
Overall, it was a good meal...
However, as we were rushing off after dinner (since it was still raining lightly at the time) I forgot to take a business card from the restaurant.
(Bah! Silly, silly J!)
I will try to update the contact details soon.....
So it's: Good food at good prices BUT horrible parking and slightly run down, "rustic" ambience
Restaurant Review
Summary Sheet:
Restaurant Siu Siu @ Lorong Syed Putra Kiri, KL (near Taman Seputih area)
No. 15-11, Lorong Syed Putra Kiri,
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Taste: 7
Ambience : 4
Service : 6
Price** : RM 25/++ per person
Parking: OK ***
** Approximation - Chinese meal, excluding drinks
*** They have a small, run down parking area just opposite.
Telephone No.: 016-370 8555/ 016-309 8038
Opening Hours: 11am - late (Closed on Mondays)
TAGS: Food, Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, Restaurant Review, Restaurant Reviews, KL, Kuala Lumpur, Sui Sui, Local Food, Siu Siu, Seafood, Taman Seputih, Chinese
Sometimes Love Comes In Little Boxes
This Xmas, my darling got me 2!
One decoy present (placed under our teeny weeny Christmas tree):

(What's inside?: A little bottle of perfume)
And one "real" present!:

(What's inside?: A pretty, pretty silver ring with a heart design)
*jumps up and down excitedly*
It's so PWETTY!
I love both presents (especially the second one) but now I feel super guilty....
The silly boy wasn't supposed to get me anything already since we had already very impatiently exchanged our Christmas presents much earlier.
I can't complain though, can I?
TAGS: Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, KL, Kuala Lumpur, Personal
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Long Weekend + Lazy Blogger
Have kept myself very busy doing things like sleeping in, watching movies (Eragon: Dragons rock!), eating junk and staring blankly at the pile of work stuff I so optimistically brought back home to read.
Well, I hope that you are all having loads of fun on this long weekend..
(Once again)
TAGS: Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Personal
Friday, December 22, 2006
Season's Greetings

Whether or not you actually celebrate it, I hope that will be surrounded by your friends, family and other loved ones.... having fun, enjoying each other's company and some yummy food as well!
TAGS: Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, KL, Kuala Lumpur, Personal
Thursday, December 21, 2006
When You Wish Upon A Star

... yes, yes, it's a bit typical but well, it would be nice to like, ONE "top range" designer bag in my closet of bargain bin clothes...
2) A box of La Maison chocolates!

Supposedly the best in the world... I am really curious how good they really are....
3) Datuk Jimmy Choo's shoes

... because I want to find out just how fantastic Mr Successful Malaysian Designer's shoes are...
4) Jewellery (Cartier, specifically)!

... because every girl needs her bling-bling....
(And if someone out there is feeling PARTICULARLY generous...)
5) Aston Martin Vanquish

... because my Proton is getting a bit old already....
I'm (most) probably asking for too much....
... but hey, it's fun to dream once in a while...
TAGS: Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, KL, Kuala Lumpur, Personal
It's A Miracle!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Young Again
Oh man.
I am REALLY not young as I used to be....
I've only been working late 2 days and I'm already feeling so tired!
At least the weekend was great anyway.
Saturday was lazy as usual...
... but Sunday was special because I was a flowergirl at my friend's wedding!
That was only my 2nd time ever in such an important role: Once at my cousin's wedding (when I was 7 years old) and then on Sunday.
(Erm... am I getting too old for the job though?)
It was all good fun:
Standing on the red carpet, throwing flower petals and confetti - YAY!
(Made me feel young again)
Anyway, congratulations Tj and K!
You two make such a great couple - may you keep each other happy forever....
TAGS: Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Personal
Monday, December 18, 2006
Singapore Express
Like many other Hong Kong concept eateries, C-Jade Express's ambience is bright and chirpy:

We started off with the Beijing Dumplings (approx RM6.50):

Overall, it was "OK" - the dumpling filling was reasonably flavourful but the "skin" was too thick. Fortunately, it wasn't very starchy though.
I tried the "Char Cheong Mein" (ermm... that roughly translates into Meat Sauce Noodles I think):

This noodle dish costs roughly RM9 and I suppose it tastes ok but I was disappointed because I was expecting somethine more along the lines of the normal "Char Cheong Mein" with the thick noodles and the savoury sauce with minced meat.
(Arrgh - I miss the Shanghai Dumpling restaurant in Melbourne Chinatown... *sigh* They had an excellent "Char Cheong Mein")
Instead what I got was a savoury but slightly sweet sauce with chunks of meat and the normal wantan noodles....
My mum opted for the special "2 Meat Rice" dish:

Basically, for around RM9.50, you can choose 2 types of meat (roast pork, roast chicken, crispy pork, etc) to be served with your rice.
My mum had chosen the crispy pork and roast pork - I was pleasantly surprised when I stole a piece (or two). I always expect shopping center chinese food to taste bad but the pork here was pretty good.... Definately not excellent but better than average (for a shopping center).
Generally, the food there is ok - it tastes alright and is pretty affordable (you can eat there for less than RM15).
There are not many Non Halal chinese food choices in Midvalley anyway so there's really not much "competition" for it in the direct vicinity. In any case, it's worth a try... (I suppose it was always just a matter of time that this popular Singaporean chain made it's move into the Malaysian market)...
TAGS: Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Personal
Friday, December 15, 2006
I'm Not OK
Feel so sad.
Blogger is still blocked from my company Web access.
Have even tried a few proxy avoidance sites like (Thanks for the suggestion Merv!) but the EVIL IT ppl have already added it to their list of blocked websites...
Overall, today wasn't too bad though...
Crazily busy with work.
Or maybe I'm just trying very hard to forget my Blog-less existence.
It huuuuuurts....
(EE-yeerrrr... So whine-y, right? Haha... Anyway, I hope you all have a great weekend ahead! *hugs*)
TAGS: Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Personal
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Addiction Is Fun
Some genius in my company's IT department decided that Blogger Beta should be filtered from everyone's web access because it is apparently categorised as.... *drum roll*
I'm serious.
I usually go in to the office earlier than I should so that I can just take a few minutes to touch up whatever I typed at home the night before and put up my post, ping it on and then start my work like a good minion should...
... but just after I click "Publish" for my post this morning, my world came crashing down.
(I still can't believe it: Blogger Beta = P0RN??? WTF....?! )
So now, not only can I not access and update my own blog... but I cannot comment on anyone else's blog if it's on Blogger Beta and does not allow anonymous comments.
How will I while away my lunch hour now?
I need to visit and comment on my regular blog haunts!
TAGS: Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Personal
(Note: Prices have been adjusted to reflect changes as at July 2010)
The Lunch
Yut Kee is really a wonderful piece of KL's history...
From its simple fittings, marble top tables, dark wooden chairs, hand written prices and the paint peeling off the ceiling: It's a peek into the years gone by and that makes it feel really, well, comforting....
(Like a walk down memory lane)
If you come to Yut Kee often enough, you'll begin to notice that it's ALWAYS packed to the brim, even on weekend mornings... In fact, most of the time you will have to share your table with strangers (for that wonderful feeling of togetherness).

They've been around for at least 40 years (as many of our parents and grandparents remember, very fondly, eating there) and is now being run by the son of the original owner.
Their signature dishes are the classic Hainanese Pork Chop and their "Roti Babi" (Pork Bread):

I have difficulty trying out the other food here because I just can't get past the Pork Chop (
Prepared in the classic Hainanese style, it is lightly coated with egg and pan fried till it's slightly crispy on the outside but still moist on the inside... Then, it's dished up with a rich, wholesome brown sauce with caramelized onions (YUMMMMM) and some delish potatoes (and also some forgetable mixed peas/ carrots/ corn).
(For that extra zing, you can add a dash of the Worcesteshire sauce that they have on each table)

The "Roti Babi" (
(I suppose it's like a really sinful stuffed French Toast)
There are also many other tasty items on the menu: Various other "chops" (lamb/ chicken) as well as an assortment of noodle and rice dishes (which are pretty decent too).
If you are looking for something lighter though, don't miss out on their traditional Kaya Bread.
(For the unitiated, Kaya is a yummy traditional Malaysian jam made of egg, sugar and coconut milk)

This simple dish is one of those that are "easy to prepare but difficult to get juuuust right".... but I think Yut Kee's done a really good job: The bread is crispy without any starchiness and the Kaya is fragrant but not overly sweet.
I used to come here pretty often for lunch, when I was still working in the KL area.... but since my office is in PJ now, it's become more of a rare weekend treat.
(Fight through the traffic jam to KL from PJ for lunch on a weekday? No way! I'll probably get road rage within the first hour...)
So, it's: Yummy food, decent prices, very simple but wonderfully quaint traditional "coffee shop"/ restaurant setting BUT nothing much bad really... except that it can be a pain to find parking in this area during week days and sometimes you have to wait quite a while for a table.
Restaurant Review
Summary Sheet:
Yut Kee Restaurant @ Jalan Dang Wangi, KL
Taste: 7
Ambience : 4*
Service : 6
Price** : RM 15/++ per person
Parking: Weekdays - Painful, Weekends - OK.
(The cops here are pretty active so try not to park illegally)
* Sorry, I think it's nice for a coffeeshop but it's STILL a coffeeshop - no aircond, rustic, noisy, etc.
** Approximation - 2 course meal, excluding drinks
Telephone No.: 03-2698 8108
Opening Hours: 8am - 5pm (Closed on Monday)
TAGS: Food, Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, Local Food, Restaurant Review, Restaurant Reviews, Jalan Dang Wangi, Yut Kee, Kuala Lumpur, KL
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Bah, Humbug!
That was quick!
It totally does not feel like a peaceful and joyful time of year though.
Year end closing time:
~ A time of measurement against goals set at the start of the year...
~ A time of running around trying to achieve targets...
~ ... and a healthy dose of overall fire fighting.
(As well as some @ss kicking from the bosses!)
It's strange but I am (for the most part) enjoying myself...
Sure, there are bad days when I am:
1) so stressed out that I feel like shooting (specific) people in the head with a rifle and then going on an office-wide rampage,
2) so bored/ sleepy that I feel like my braincells are dying (mostly during loooong meetings), OR
3) so tired but forcefully over-caffeinated that my eyeballs feel like they are on fire, my eyelids feel like they weigh a tonne each and I smell like I am emitting coffee vapour from my pores....
.... but I'm thankful that those days are few and far between.
So, a big thank you Jesus (..., Kwan Yin and Buddha!) for blessing me with an interesting job.
I am also very, very thankful to this Blog and everyone who visits it for keeping me sane (... especially those who comment - I luff you very much!... Haha)
[ Begin Edit ]
Very good....
Now my bf thinks that I am psycho:
"Gila girl..", he says, "... one moment you are complaining about your job and the next moment you are thanking Jesus, Kwan Yin AND Buddha?"
Oh well...
I have no specific explanations for these extreme mood swings but what's the fun in being COMPLETELY sane anyway?
[ End Edit ]
TAGS: Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, KL, Kuala Lumpur, Personal
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Apparently, Iron(y) Is Good For You
I mean, SURE - it's fun when you're sleeping in and lazing around all day but JUST YOU WAIT!
.... because the next day, when you go back to work: YOU HAVE TO MAKE UP FOR ALL THE LOST TIME!
(5 days' work in 4 days' time?)
(YAY! Sounds like fun!)
GROWL... !!
So, all you KL people who were jealous yesterday that all us PJ people had a day off when you didn't...
Well, you can start laughing now.
TAGS: Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, KL, Kuala Lumpur, Personal
Pasta Fredo
The Dinner
Placed in the Taman Tun area (in the same row of shops as the Boathouse), Pasta Fredo looks nice enough.... simple but classy fittings, comfortable seating, etc:

At first we were feeling a little wary of trying this place out, as it was completely empty...
(You know the usual rule of restaurants lah: If it's empty, that means that there's a high chance that something is wrong with it)
... but we decided to take a risk and just give the place a chance.
That night we started off with the Deep Fried Calamari:

Overall, it was pretty good.... The calamari tasted fresh and the batter was wonderfully crispy...
However, the mains are a different story....
That evening, we had the Lamb Shank and the Mushroom and (Turkey) Ham Pizza:

Both these dishes were reputed (by the friendly waiter) to be the restaurant's specialty.
Ermmmmm, ok.....
Well, if these are the specialties then I don't know what the rest will taste like.
First of all, the Lamb Shank was pretty tough and the brown sauce was just a bit too salty... The Mushroom and (Turkey) Ham Pizza was also a total disappointment - it had a starchy, soft pizza base with negligable amounts of toppings....
(Actually, that pizza tasted suspiciously like the generic frozen pizza that you can get from any supermarket freezer)
I lost the receipt but I remember (vaguely) that the Lamb Shank cost about RM28 and the Pizza was about RM22.
(Don't take my word on it though)
In any case, whatever the exact price was, I felt a little cheated.
Probably the only thing I would order again is the calamari.....
(IF I ever go back there, that is)
So, it's: Friendly waiters, comfortable ambience BUT the food really isn't that great....
Restaurant Review
Summary Sheet:
Pasta Fredo La Cucina Mediterrane @ Taman Tun Dr Ismail, KL
Taste: 4.5
Ambience : 6
Service : 6
Price** : RM 50/++ per person
Parking: Difficult on weekdays, OK on weekends
** Approximation - 3 course meal, excluding drinks
Telephone No.: 03-7710 0021
Opening Hours: 12pm - 2.30pm, 6.30pm - 11.30pm
TAGS: Food, Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, Restaurant Review, Restaurant Reviews, TTDI, Pasta Fredo, Italian, Kuala Lumpur, KL, Taman Tun Dr Ismail
Friday, December 08, 2006
Lucky Me
I win a lucky draw prize and what does it turn out to be?
A kettle jug.......
It's better than nothing, I suppose.
(Still, getting the flat screen TV or the 3 day holiday for 2ppl to Australia instead would have been much nicer, don't you think?)
TAGS: Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, KL, Kuala Lumpur, Personal
Finally, it's that time of the week again...
A time of hope, happiness and bliss all within reach.
This weekend the main thing on my "To-Do" list is Christmas shopping.
... Still racking my brain now as to what to buy for P and my parents....
I've also got to buy a conservative red outfit (The strict message received was : "No legs/ boobs/ sexy dressing!") for my friend's wedding next week.
(I'm going to be a flowergirl!)
This short but (possibly) expensive list of things could prove to be a problem though.... Why? Well, I just got my last credit card bill... and it was a shocking RM2,138.40!
I've obviously been very naughty.....
TAGS: Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, KL, Kuala Lumpur, Personal
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Terima Kasih
1) sat through me bitching about my job, or more specifically: my complete lack of a burning passion/ goal in life (career-wise) for what must have felt like an eternity,
2) comforted me, AND
3) patiently and calmly gave me advise, even as I pouted and frowned grumpily back at him like a 5 year old.
Enough of this soppiness and back to work.
Happy Thursday everyone!
TAGS: Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, KL, Kuala Lumpur, Personal
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Here Fishy, Fishy, Fishy......
Just recently though, I went there with P and his friend from Down Under, B (who was visiting):

There are many restaurants/ eateries along the entire stretch of the road but we went to the one near the end (on the left side) called Meng Kee.
Due to it's very limited indoor space, the restaurant dining area has escaped the regular brick and mortar environment and sprawls along the roadside....
(Good luck to you if it rains.....)
There were singing minstrels walking around too, to add that extra special touch or ambience to the night:

There were also a irritatingly frequent amount of kids/ crazy people/ hobos/ misc people who were asking for money/ selling tissue/ selling tidbits/ etc....
I don't mean to sound insensitive - I really don't mind donating money, according to my means, but for the one hour we were eating there, we were approached at least 5 times....
(And to me, that's a LOT)
Anyway, we started off with a selection of satay..... lamb, chicken and beef:

The satay was not bad....
The meat was tender, with a good balance of sinful fatty bits... but the accompanying peanut sauce did not have enough kick.
(Still prefer Haji Samuri's)
We also tried the restaurant's specialty the Ikan Bakar (Grilled Fish). There is a choice of various types of fish but we chose to have the sting ray that night:

Oh man, the fish looks a little burnt in the photos...
I assure you, it tasted fine though.
The accompanying sauce was also nice - spicy with a sour zing.
We also ordered B's favourite dish, the Butter Prawns:

The Butter Prawns here are actually not bad...
The prawns are fresh, the texture is crispy and it was very fragrant.
Other dishes that we order that night were the Tau Mew Fried with Garlic, Yong Chow Fried Rice, Deep Fried Sotong and Orr Chien (Oyster Ommelette):

Overall, all of them tasted good (except the fried rice - very normal) but my favourite was the Deep Fried Sotong - crispy on the outside but tender on the inside.
I didn't pay for dinner so I don't know how much everything costs exactly.... but I do remember the prices being reasonable as I was flipping through the menu that night.
Restoren Meng Kee Grill Fish @ Jalan Alor, Kuala Lumpur
Opening Hours: 6pm to 3am (except Tuesdays)
Phone: 012-213 3082 (Ah Meng/ Ah Leng), 03-9283 4523
Address: 39, Jalan Alor, Bukit Bintang, KL (Opposite Wisma City Tower)
TAGS: Food, Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, Restaurant Review, Restaurant Reviews, KL, Kuala Lumpur, Sate, Local Food, Seafood