I'm back in Malaysia people!
I'm back at work now too!
1) Sorry to friends in Melb that I did not call up/ meet up with.
(I wish I had had more time + money)
2) Sorry for the lack of updates.... I've been insanely busy catching up on work.
(So, updates will be sparse for the next few weeks or so)
Ok.... so we're cool, right?
TAGS: Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Personal
Crumb, Taman Paramount
13 hours ago
Transfer From Haloscan
ReplyDeletePenny For Your Thoughts
we are cool
bryon | Homepage | 05.19.06 - 8:57 pm | #
Welcome Back! waiting to see those fantabulous pixs.
boo_licious | Homepage | 05.21.06 - 4:14 am | #
Will try to put them up soon...
J to Boo | Homepage | 05.22.06 - 8:30 am | #
J to Byron | Homepage | 05.22.06 - 8:31 am | #
where are these pictures, I hear everyone talking about?
bryon | Homepage | 05.25.06 - 7:51 am | #
Patience, young padawan.
*pseudo sage-like look*
J to byron | Homepage | 05.25.06 - 8:22 am | #