
Monday, July 31, 2006

My 15 Minutes.....

Look out world: Here comes J the Chocoholic!

When I was reading the newspaper on Saturday morning, I nearly dropped my bowl of cereal and jumped off my chair.

I have been mentioned in The Star newspaper!


Well, it's not that much really - a total one liner....
.... but it's a such an honor that I have been shortlisted and put alongside Friedchillies, Wai Sik Kai, Jom Makan, Eatin Out, Food Safari and of course last but definately not least, darling Boo_licious at Masak-Masak.

* ONE..., *

* TWO..., *

* THREE..., *

* TA-DAH! *

*waves frantically*
Look Mum (and Dad and P)! Aren't you proud of me now?

It's not an award or anything like that but it gives me a measure of satisfaction that this little hobby of mine (eating+reviewing) is being recognized in some way.

It started off so simply....
One night while having dinner, I thought to myself: "There are waaaaaay too few people out there doing honest, layman reviews of restaurants in Malaysia". So, I started this blog to help fill this gap in whatever small way I can.
(I know that there is still much room for improvement - which I will continue to work on - but for now, I am happy)

With that, I'd like to take this chance to express my gratitude to:
  • the people at the Star (Deepak Gill especially, for writing the article),
  • my family (for their love and guidance),
  • P (for believing in me),
  • my friends (who put up with me snapping photos of their food and insisting I get a few bites to sample it for my reviews),
  • Patrick, in particular, for starting the whole weekly dinner thing that gave me the platform and inspiration to start my reviews, and
  • all my readers out there (whether or not you leave comments, I can see you on my blog statcounter and appreciate your support)!

I really appreciate all you've done for me and hope that you will continue with me on my journey to chronicle my eating adventures in KL.


TAGS: , , , , , ,


  1. 15 minutes only..??? hehe
    I'm sure you're still over the moon.
    Thanks for your replies on your tagboard. :)
    Happy Dining & keep those yummy good reviews coming..

    HUGS & Congrats again!

  2. Congrats. I love your reviews even though I haven't even visited half of them.

  3. Bravo! Love your reviews thus far - keep up the great work!

  4. woohoo! congratulations! be sure to keep it in an airtight container to show your future generations! haha

  5. congrats J hahaha your write-up sounds like the speech you gave at the oscar :p

  6. Congrats! Luckily I was lying down when I read the paper or else I would have also dropped something too.

  7. to amelia:
    *hugs back*
    Heh heh... Any more than 15 minutes and it will go straight to my head!
    (Eveything in moderation is good - too much of a good thing is bad for health)

    to adam:
    Thank you!
    I shall try my best to continue improving.

    to praveen rajan:
    Thanks for the compliment....

    to Merv:
    Yeah... I will frame it up and show it off to my grandkids (should I ever have any) when I'm old and grew and gumming my food.

    to Babe_kl
    *guilty grin*
    I know... - I figure this is the closest I will ever get to receiving an Oscar, so I'd better take adventage of it to give a good "acceptance speech".
    Hope you all don't think that I "terlebih-lebih".....

    to Boo_licious
    Well, congrats to you too!
    (Haha - yeah, I came PRETTY close to making a huge mess... Luckily I still kinda held on to my bowl of cereal... *phew*)

  8. wow! congrats, dear - i'm so proud of you :)

  9. Congrats! Keep it going gal! Love how easy it is to read your blog.

  10. wow! you are a femes blogger now. congrats, my dear.

  11. to vox:
    Yay for me!
    Kidding - thanks for the love.

    to ah beng:
    Thank you, thank you....
    Aiyah - am not a "famous blogger" lah (How to compare to them? - they get THOUSANDS of hits a day)...
    I am, and will always be, just myself: J the Chocoholic.

  12. Hey! Yeah, I wanted to come on and congratulate you but forgot.


  13. to Skyler:
    Hey, better late than never, right?


Appreciate your thoughts, opinions and feedback. :)