
Saturday, February 17, 2007

Life In Transit

A sign of life!

Hello all,

I know... my hiatus started much early than planned.
Couldn't help it - I was super, crazy, ulcer inducingly busy at work.

Still, that's all behind me now.
It's holiday time!
*woo hoo*

I'm at the Dubai airport now - killing some time in between plane rides so I thought I'd just do a quick post.
(Just so you all know I'm not dead yet)

It's been a tiring journey so far.
I started off with a 6+ hour plane ride from KLIA to Dubai in the wee hours of the morning,... I'm now enjoying a 3 hour transit and I have another 5+ hour plane ride to Rome to look forward to.
(Hate flying long flights)

Still, I am looking forward to the whole trip.
(As much as I dislike tour groups....)
Italy: Scenic countrysides, cool upmarket fashion shops (to look at only though - cannot afford *sigh*), quaint towns, romantic waterways and lots of yummy food!
I will take lots and lots of piccies and post it up when I get back, k?

Till then, take care everyone!


PS/ Thank you Mr. Samsung for having free internet kiosks here! I promise I will be a more loyal consumer to you in future as a sign of appreciation.... ;)

TAGS: , , , , ,


  1. wahlau eh! CNY run away kah? hehehe..have a good trip!

  2. Happy Chinese New Year!

  3. Awww, no Prada, Ferragammo, Bottega purchases???? Gong Xi Fa Cai.

  4. lucky gal! Wishing you and your family a happy and prosperous Chinese new year. Oink!

  5. And I be late for this because I've been busy but, Happy CNY mate =) Can't wait for them pictures :D

  6. Hey mate, I know I'm seriously late to wish you this but, happy chinese new year =)

  7. Hey mate, I know I'm seriously late to wish you this but, happy chinese new year =)

  8. to wuching:
    Yeah loh...
    This is pretty much the only time I can take a long break from work for my annual family bonding trip.
    (Darn... I miss out on all the ang pows though!)
    Anyway, Happy CNY to you and your family!

    to che-cheh:
    I hope you, your family anf Chester have a great CNY too!

    to boo_licious:
    I wish!
    I managed to touch a few very expensive bags though... but definately didn't buy bcos cannot afford....
    (I almost muntah darah when I saw the price tags)
    Happy CNY to you too!

    to babe_kl:
    May you and your family have a prosperous and happy new year too.

    to Merv:
    Happy CNY to you too x3!
    May you and your family be blessed prosperous and happiness in the year of the Pig.

    to b:
    Yes I am.
    Can't help it - I love travelling!


Appreciate your thoughts, opinions and feedback. :)