
Monday, August 13, 2007

The Chocoholic's New Clothes

My weekend, in short:

  • Woke up
  • Cursed upon discovery that I had woken up almost 3 hours later than planned (and had already told boss that I would be popping by the office)
  • SMSed boss warily
  • Discovered that boss is very forgiving and happily returned to sleep
  • Slept
  • Slept more
  • Finally got enough sleep to make up for lack thereof from Monday to Friday
  • Woke up (properly)
  • Met P for dinner at cute new Italian restaurant called Cameo


  • Woke up
  • Went to the gym (rather reluctantly)
  • Shopped around for new gym clothes (It's EVIL - why are gym clothes so expensive? Eg. Most of the decent track pants cost RM110 to RM160 per pair - that's absurd!)
  • Raced over to Amcorp for devious surprise party (Happy birthday Fabian!)
  • Consumed unneccessary amounts of Korean food and birthday cake (totally negating earlier gym session *sigh*)
  • Hung out with P

And there's another 48 hours well spent (well, sort of).

Anyway, Happy Monday everyone!
(Hope the terribly infectious Monday Blues haven't got a hold on you today)

BTW (if you didn't already notice), after such a long time using the standard Blogger template, I've decided to go for a very simple but girly pink theme for a change....
(What do you think?)


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  1. hahah slept enuf eh??..looking forward to that cameo restaurant review..

  2. nice theme! sweet and lovely... pinkish!! :D

  3. to "joe" who is constantly craving:
    Not really quite enough sleep actually... but if I slept any more then it would be considered hibernating already lah.
    (Will try to post it up asap - trying to touch up the photos now... Some of them turned out quite badly because of the lighting at the restaurant)

    to meiyen:
    Awwww... thanks!
    Glad to hear that you like it - then we have outnumbered my bf's comment of "Eeeeeeyer. So pink wan!"

  4. hey, J. whats going on good girl??? you keeping up with the gym I see. way to go!!!!

  5. to b:
    Yay for me!
    Thanks for the support.

    (I admit it's so difficult to "force" myself to go to the gym but I think I have to before I become a big fat Chocoholic - not very healthy!)


Appreciate your thoughts, opinions and feedback. :)