
Friday, December 21, 2007

Holiday Mood

Fa la la la la la la la laaa.....

No food updates because I have been busy being on leave.

Busy with what?:
- Sleeping in (Bliss!),
- Watching DVDs (Nice to vegetate in front of the idiot box once in a while),
- Catching up with friends over lunch/ dinner (Yay!),
- Al's shopping spree makeover (A rare and fun occasion so Double Yay!),
- Spending too much money on trying to save money during the Great Malaysian Year End Sale (Booooo..... Purse in pain and credit card worn out!),
Oh, and most importantly:
- GYM! (I am in so much pain now it's not funny)

Anyway, I will update as soon as I can on food.
(Probably late next week though...)
(Sorry, I have been infected by the "Holiday Mood" virus so I'm taking a short break)

In the meanwhile, I want to wish you all a big and joyous:
Happy (Belated) Hari Raya Adiladha.....!
And also:
Merry Christmas.....!
I hope that you will all have a blessed celebration, surrounded by your loved ones.

(And for those who don't actually celebrate the above holidays.... Well, have a good time resting and relaxing during your days off!)


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  1. Happy Hols :-)


  2. to julian si:
    You too....
    I hope you will have a wonderful fun filled holiday!
    (One with lots and lots of yummy food)

  3. hey j, merry christmas to you and your family! enjoy da holidays yah..

  4. Dear J,

    Wishing you & your family a xmas filled with a Ho-Ho-Whole lotta happiness, cheer,love and good food :)

    Merry Xmas & a Happy New Year

  5. to meiyen:
    Thanks dear!
    I hope you will have a happy celebration with your darling and your family!

    to honey star:
    Awwww..... thanks, that's so sweet!
    I hope you and you family will have a great Xmas celebration and an even greater 2008 ahead.

  6. Merry Christmas to u & ur family J!

  7. hey! come visit our (me and Lexy's) blog


  8. to wuching:
    Thank you Mr Wuching sir.
    I hope you and your family have a fun filled and blessed Christmas celebration and a happy new year too.
    (May you get lots of Star Wars toys this year)

    to per teen drama queen:
    Will check it out.

  9. Dear Chocoholic
    Just browsing the net for fellow bloggers of similar interest and hit your blog. I find it quite informative and worth visiting. Greetings comes to you all the way from Botswana on Christmas day. Happy holidays.
    Am lover of cakes and do visit my blog whenever you can.

  10. to anamika:
    Thanks! I'm glad to hear you enjoy my little blog.
    Well, the fates (or Google) seem to have brought you here and I promise I will pop over to your blog soon to check it out.

    to adam brown:
    Hmmm... Not sure if I would pay to download some diet information from the internet but thanks for the link...

  11. J... merry xmas to u! hv a wonderful time ya! muaxxx

  12. to yammylicious:
    Hey thanks!
    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas celebration and will have a great new year ahead!

    to barb michelen:
    Erm... I don't remember asking for this link but thanks anyway.
    (Will have a look soon)
    Ciao! Have a good trip.


Appreciate your thoughts, opinions and feedback. :)