Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Another Day, Another Diappointment
I've been working hard at the gym over the last (more or less) 2 months... and I don't see any results.... :(
Well,... I see a eencey weencey bit of difference - my thighs seem to be slightly less blobby than usual (or is it my imagination??) and my arms are a bit smaller than before (I think....).
But if my clothes are still as tight as ever then it can't be such a big difference, can it? *le sigh*
Well, at the very least, it's a comfort to know that I can almost survive one of those intense one hour gym classes now.... as opposed to my condition when I first started going back to the gym: feeling like I was going to DIE after just 15 minutes.
Other than the gym, things are picking up at work so I've been pretty busy...
(I still miss my old office and colleagues a LOT though.... I guess they've really left a mark on me)
I know my (food) updates are still sparse, but *guilty grin* it's still better than the long period of emo posts and the subsequent semi-hiatus, right? :)
TAGS: Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, KL, Kuala Lumpur, Personal
Monday, August 25, 2008
Kissaten @ Jaya 1
Hey everyone, I'm back! :)
(More or less)
This time, let's have a look at a new Japanese restaurant/ cafe in the up and coming food glutton haven, Jaya 1 in the PJ area.
(FYI: (For those who were wondering) Kissaten means "old style Japanese coffee shop")
The Dinner
Overall, I liked the design of Kissaten, which was very "light" and modern.
If I had one gripe though it would be that the outside seating area doesn't seem to be sectioned off so you get many people walking to and fro.
(Not a BIG issue - but still, better to avoid the outside seating if you are trying to have a romantic date):

As we browsed through the menu, we couldn't help but wonder: "Wah - Why so many different types of food wan?".
It's not that there is a huge variety of items but there seems to be a strange mix of a couple of classic Japanese dishes (eg. Chashu Ramen, Sashimi), Fusion Japanese (eg. Japanese style pizzas and pastas) as well as some Local Food (eg. Lam Mee, Ipoh Horr Fun).
(Hmmm... a bit of an identity crisis I think... Haha)
Anyway, we eventually decided to try out the interestingly named Springy Balls (RM 8.90++) and Cheese Balls (RM 5.90++):

Bottom: The Cheese Balls.....
We were off on a bad start that night because both appetizers were not very nice:
- the Springy balls' texture were (as described), springy but it tasted very normal in it's "Ipoh Sah Horr Fun" soup gravy,
- the Cheese balls were a starchy, gloopy disappointment which left us wondering whether the chef accidentally left out the main ingredient (Well actually, we could smell a hint of cheese aroma but couldn't seem to taste any cheese no matter how much we chewed)
Understandably, our expectations then plummeted but thankfully, the Katsu Curry Rice (RM 18++) and Char Siew Pizza (RM 23.90++) that we had for our mains were nice:

Bottom: The Katsu Curry Rice.....
The deep fried Pork Katsu was tender, with a nice crispy crust... and was generously topped with suitably thick Japanese style curry sauce (which has a slightly sweet taste). It would have been better if the sauce was served with the usual chunky slices of radish, potatoes and carrots but overall, I wouldn't mind ordering this again.
As for the Char Siew pizza (actually, it's supposed to be Japanese "Chashu") - it was lovely! It was a slightly crispy (on the edges), medium thickness pizza with slices of tender pork, and topped with sinfully creamy mayo....
MMMMmmmmm.... Yum.
(I suspect it could be very "jelak" if you try to finish it all by yourself though)
We were pretty full by then but decided that we couldn't end the night without trying the Rich Chocolate Pudding (RM 7.90++):

The texture of the Chocolate Pudding was dense, smooth and not too sweet. Pat and I liked it, but my friend V took a bite and said that it reminded her of jelly (which she found a bit strange).
Oh well, more for me then! :)
(I love it when chocolate desserts have a very slight bitter note)
Overall, I liked the enjoyed the dinner at Kissaten but I'm going to make it a point to be more careful when picking out appetizers the next time I go there....
So, it's: Casual yet stylish restaurant with good selection of interesting selection of fusion Japanese-Western dishes (and some Asian food) for reasonable prices BUT nothing much to complain about except that some of the appetizers weren't that nice (but they were Ok lah)...
Restaurant Review
Summary Sheet:
Kissaten @ Jaya 1, PJ
(In the Palm Square area of Jaya One)
Taste: 6
Ambience : 6
Service : 6
Price** : RM38/++
Parking: OK (but I've heard the surrounding roads are pretty jammed on Weekday nights)
Website: (with map!) CLICK HERE
** Approximation - Per person, 3 course meal, excluding drinks
Telephone No.: 03-7954 1990
Opening Hours: 11am - 12midnight
- A Whiff Of Lemongrass
- I Just Wana Eat
- Pink Painter
- Sweets For My Sweet Tooth
- Motormouth From Ipoh
TAGS: Food, Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, Restaurant Review, Restaurant Reviews, PJ, Petaling Jaya, Japanese, Kissaten Coffee and Restaurant, Jaya 1, Palm Square, Asian Food, Fusion
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Baby Steps
Easing back into the whole food review thing...
(Jan 2010)
They had a concept change - a MAJOR one!....
Get this: They're now pork free.
Anyway, thanks to Jazz for pointing it out. Will try to swing by the new B&O sometime to have a look.
[ END EDIT ]Wow.... Has it really been so long since I updated properly??
*tries to sidestep all the accusatory glares*
Well, I guess I've been pretty busy (just changed jobs recently) and also still feeling a bit down (same ol', same ol' - bloody heartache not healing fast enough)..... but actually, I have still been trying out new restaurants with my friends. It's just that I've been too damned lazy to do proper reviews....
(Sorry again!)
The problem is that I was in a very "bleh"/ "boh-chap" mood so there were many occasions where I didn't even bring my camera to take photos of the food!
(Can you imagine?? Terrible, I know.... Not like me at all)
Anyway, I'm trying to ease back into the whole restaurant review thing so here is my 2 cents on a restaurant I've tried recently (sans photos though):
1) Bermuda & Onion @ Changkat Bukit Bintang
We had (strangely) received some really bad word of mouth about this new-ish place in the Changkat BB area before we visited (Quote: "Not nice at all" and "Too expensive"), hence we were quite hesitant but still went ahead to try it out since we were feeling very adventurous.
And thank goodness we did because the food at the quirkily named Bermuda & Onion is yummy. :)
I do admit that the prices are a bit on the high side but it's definately DEFINITELY worth a try.... Do not miss out on the:
1) Starters:
- Prawn wrapped with Parma Ham skewers (juicy and absolutely delish!),
- Mushroom and Ham Soup (fragrant and luxurious).
2) Mains:
- B&O Platter (hefty plate with a bit of everything to share),
- Pork Ribs with Spicy Beans (succulent ribs - good serving size too).
NOTE: The Wild Boar spaghetti and the Pork Cordon Bleu are only Ok. Nothing spectacular.
3) Desserts:
- Tiramisu (MUST TRY! Good texture, taste and the generous dose of alcohol really gives it an extra edge).
NOTE: The other desserts are just OK. Not bad but not great in my books....
Other than the food, I also really like the airy and casual yet stylish ambience there - am definately revisiting to try out more of the items on the menu.
That wasn't so bad, was it? :)
(I hope you didn't mind how rusty I am after all these months though - patience, patience... I'm trying!)
Restaurant Review
Summary Sheet:
Bermuda & Onion @ Changkat Bukit Bintang, KL
Taste: 7
Ambience : 7
Service : 7
Price** : RM 60/++ per person (!!)
Parking: OK
(!!) Warning: You can definately eat there for about RM60++ but there are some meat dishes there which cost up to >RM60++ each.
** Approximation - 3 course meal, excluding drinks
Telephone No.: 03-2145 8333
Opening Hours: Weekdays 12pm till 11pm, Weekends 10am till 11pm
- KY Speaks
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- she, the epicuriousgirl
- Jule's Eating Guide To Malaysia
- Kampung Kayell
- So Much Food So Little Stomach
TAGS: Food, Blog, Weblog, Malaysia, Restaurant Review, Changkat Bukit Bintang, Pork, Bermuda & Onion, KL, Kuala Lumpur