Sunday, April 18, 2010

G.H. Mumms F1 Party @ Pavilion, KL

Photo heavy post: Free flow champagne + friends = Happy Happy J....

Birds eye view:
The main area of Pavilion, before the event started...

Cool - F1 car parked in front:
Vroom vroom...

Celebs around - Will Quah with an unidentified hottie:
The event is starting soon...

What a beautiful sight - the waiter pouring glass after glass of champagne:

My glass - Yummy!:
All mine...

Shy lerr. Everyone's looking down on us :)
*stare stare stare*...

The Club 21 fashion show starts:
Lots of funky clothes from DKNY, Armani, etc...

Hello there, Mr Rock Hard Abs!:
:) :) :)...

More beautiful people:
- Gorgeous Karen and Marco:
Single hotties...

- Me and KLCC Ken*:
(*It's a funny story - he went to KLCC and called us about where we were because "he couldn't find us". *lol*)
Ken is made of LOL...

- Random eye candy (Is he anyone famous? I don't know....):

- I love you Mum(ms)!:
Me with a big bottle of Mumms...

A million thanks to Karen for inviting this boring office minion to another glam event - love you, babe! *HUGS*

More hugs,

TAGS: , , , , ,


  1. great .. yellow face again!

  2. no other colour meh??? wong mien por??? :p

  3. to ciki:
    Sorry babe...
    Told you oredi mah - I'm shhhhyyyyy. :)

    to babe_kl:
    Hmmmm... maybe next time I try pink? More girly. Haha...

  4. Luckily i didnt go! HEhe.. no food??

  5. to tng:
    Was too busy drinking champagne so didnt get around to eating anything... :P

  6. Haha...i luv how u blot out your pics with a yellow smiley and then label the pic as "ME & so-and-so.."!!
    Nice meeting u the other day :-))

  7. to Pureglutton:
    Was very nice to meet you too! Thanks so much for the invite. :)

    (re. yellow smileys) And yeah, *lol* I'm trying to maintain my secret identity! :P
    (That, and I'm shy....)

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  9. to Nat:
    You didn't leave an email so I've sent you a message through the website link you left here.

    But just in case you don't receive it, here's my answer again:
    "Hello there (Nat?),

    Saw your message on my blog (

    I don't mind giving it out as a present to my readers, but are you sure you want to send it to me? I'm living in Malaysia and your company is based in the UK.... Kinda far isn't it?
    (Not that I mind, but just letting you know - to be fair)


    Best regards,
    J the chocoholic"


Appreciate your thoughts, opinions and feedback. :)

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