
Monday, September 20, 2010

The End

Holiday (almost) over....

*slightly dejected wave*

My holiday is THIS close to being over.
(Flying back to KL tomorrow morning)

It's such a bittersweet feeling:
1) Happy : YAY - Going home! My toes will be warm again! Missed my family and friends (who are in KL)! Lots of cheap yummy food! :)


2) Sad: BOOOoooo - No more sleeping in! I will be hot and sweaty! Will miss my friends (who are in Melbourne)! Still wanna eat more yummy Melb food! :(


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  1. well... have to back to reality :P
    work harder and go again next time la.. let it be the driving force for you to work harder

  2. i can empathize (sort of!).
    am in the middle of a holiday that has had its ups and downs. on one hand, i'd hate to have to return to work in kl. but on the other hand, am tired of having to try to have fun everyday :D
    (am typing this from an apartment in paris. ermm, not gloating, really ... it's absolutely not as glamorous as it sounds, heheh)

  3. to thule aka leo:
    A part of of me (the lazy part) just wishes I could sleep in n not work n have happy happy holidays forever! :)

    to sean:
    If u r too tired of having fun everyday, then why don't we trade places? I dont mind helping u out. :P
    (LOL. Hope ur having a great holiday)

  4. to thule aka leo:
    A part of of me (the lazy part) just wishes I could sleep in n not work n have happy happy holidays forever! :)

    to sean:
    If u r too tired of having fun everyday, then why don't we trade places? I dont mind helping u out. :P
    (LOL. Hope ur having a great holiday)


Appreciate your thoughts, opinions and feedback. :)